
Image/Parallax – Background Style

Row Backgrounds Element offers attractive background options. Image/Parallax is one of them. This article explains all Parallax Style offered by Image/Parallax background style.

Note: Enable Row Backgrounds Element from dashboard settings under Ultimate > Elements. To set Image/Parallax, edit the row > go to Background tab > from Background Style select Image/Parallax background.

Image/Parallax background style –

1. Simple Background Image – This will simply add an image as background.

2. Auto Moving Background – The background image will appear to move continuously to a selected direction.

3. Vertical Parallax On Scroll – Selected image will move vertically as a user scrolls the page.

4. Horizontal Parallax On Scroll – Image will move horizonally when user scrolls the page.

5. Interactive Parallax On Mouse Hover – You can add multiple layers of images. When the user hovers over the row, images will interact as mouse moves.

6. Multilayer Vertical Parallax – You can choose multiple images and arrange them one above the other. Images will give a vertical parallax effect when the user scrolls the page.

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