Meet the Team: Style 1
The three images shown below show a different behavior when you hover over them. The first image shows no difference, the second one gets a colored overlay, while the third image which is in greyscale, becomes clear when you hover over it.

Crystal Kelley
UI/UX Designer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy.

Johnny Kim
Graphic Designer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy.
Join Our Team: Style 2
The second style contains a little more effects. It contains the image with the name and designation and displays the description/bio along with the social icons when the user hovers on it.
People Behind The Scene: Style 3
This style again has a few effects. Hover over the image to read the description/bio, while the name, designation and the social icons are displayed below the image.